Jan 27, 2022
I told you 2022 might be the year of the puzzle…well one nasty internet user tried to spoil the fun by setting up a Twitter account that spoiled word game ‘Wordle’ by posting the next day’s answer.
Twitter quickly shut it down saying it broke the rules by sending unsolicited replies to high numbers of users.
Some of TikTok’s most popular creators are demanding more money from the video sharing platform.
Unlike YouTube which gives its video stars money based on advertising revenue, TikTok set aside a 200 million dollar fund which all the most popular creators share a slice of.
But, as the pool stays static and the numbers increase..those slices, get smaller, while the parent company reports soaring profits in the tens of billions of dollars.
We’re all hearing about the rising cost of living and there’s a pressure on all of us to make our money go further…one way of getting something back is to refer friends to some of your favourite businesses.
From broadband providers to insurance companies, banks, mobile phone companies and many more, it’s worth paying attention to some of the marketing emails that come your way as companies offer discounts, perks and sometimes cold hard cash for you to entice other people to sign up.