Jan 24, 2019
Colin had a healthy debate with some PR professionals and radio friends this week about the use of embargoes.
In short: they have their place, but with a few exceptions, journalists are under no obligation to adhere to them. They will if you've built a strong, mutually beneficial relationship with them that they can't...
Jan 24, 2019
Jesus said 'don't let the left hand know what the right hand is doing'.
The Spice Girls stuck a hashtag on some t-shirts and then the Guardian investigated the conditions faced by the people producing those t-shirts.
Jan 24, 2019
Drones are causing problems at airports and beauty spots around the country.
What should be done? Colin Kelly has a suggestion.
Jan 24, 2019
A topic of much debate in the industry. Here, Colin Kelly discusses a very simple piece of evidence which suggests PR is NOT a profession, and outlines how this could be tackled.